Monday, August 12, 2013

我的爱心汤♥My Soup with Love♥

I got to say that i'm really happy and touched by the soup made by my dearest...i didnt expect her to cook it for me as its a last minute decision, but to describe this soup, i would say is very very healthy and the taste is super nice with the mushroom and lots of vege...the best thing is the sasame oil she put in does makes it smell good and taste good..really thumbs up for this♥♥...i really appreciate all the efforts and all the heart she put in..never been so 幸福 in my life b4...

Love is so wonderful, with sweetness and warm feelings...★★♥♥


  1. 我为了你。。洗手做羹汤我都愿意。。。你喜欢吃。。我会煮给你吃。。。我爱你。。。。宝贝。。。

  2. 亲爱的。。。你为我做这么多, 付出这么多我是真的很感动。。。我真的感受到你的心意了!! 谢谢你♥♥ 我会继续疼你,爱你一辈子的。。。老牛♥白兔
