Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sorry My Dear...I'll always love u :))

MY DEAREST....I'm sorry for hurting you, like the way I do
I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said to you,We always know that the fight will never last... but still the amount they do, I'd like to say I'm sorry for everything I put you through and i know it's not easy for us.

Remembering the Sweet Moments we had together, the Intimate actions that brings us so close, The Hugs, The passionate Kiss and everything, I just felt so bless and blissful all the way and sweetness will always be there...

I just want to hold your hand and walk a mile, don't want to miss you even a while.

My life is so beautiful cause Dear its you, my life :))

Hug me for my worries to die, my tears to dry and 
It hurts me to know
how I sometimes can be little selfish, when it comes to you 

I'm getting sentimental over you!
for goodness sake explain to me why all these

I miss you every moment of the day
I keep me awake just to listen to you 
I keep me empty just for you to fill
I keep me alive just to see you
My mornings miss you 
my evenings seek you

Fear of future is worse then pain of past
still I bother the least cause you are there

Even seconds are to long to miss you
I want to hold you hands and walk a mile
don't want to miss you even a while...I'm crazy for you day by day and i just can't help it...Muck Muck :)) 

It hurts me everytime we fight, we argues and misunderstand each other, it scares me too... I always make you cry and it hurts me when you do, As I write this now, I know this much is very very true...I love you with all my heart and will always be with you 4 ever.



  1. My Dearest honey baby...thanks for tolerating my wilfulness...i am hot tempered...and stoubern too.....i will learn to appreciate u too wad i say on my wadsapp..u r honest..u dun hide..thats wad i like bt u...dear dear no matter what i will always b by ur side to support pains me when we quarel too..and i will keep crying but i dun like to cry too..dear dear.....dun wry ..u still have me to count on ..i wont be that heartless to forsake u...becoz i luv u so much...n i will be there to comfort u and give u advice...with luv...:P

  2. My Love...nothing could express how much my love to U, just want u to remember that no matter what happens, i never wanted leave u to loneliness and i promise u that i will never say those hurting words again Never!...I believed U and i trusted U fully from the bottom of my assured i will always treat you good and i will always shower you with my loves and everything i could :))

    With LOVES and SWEETNESS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
