One Day ago, i just received a called from my friend whom i have known since secondary school, again as i said before, She had broken up with her BF so then for some unknown reason, she called me and cried sadly, I tried to comfort and encouraged her but this has been making me really pissed off because she is rather stubborn, I know it's pretty obvious why she is looking for, but i do not have any feelings for her as she is just a friend only to me, so Today 9th June, I have made a decision to make things clear and keep a distant from her, then finally i called her and she eventually she picked up the phone and i told her everything and she just cried, I know it was bad but neither do i have a choice as This problem has been affecting me and my beloved Dear, I do not wish to cause any misunderstanding and doubts to my Dear anymore and so i decided to settle it once and for all.....
I hope that i didn't make a bad choice, To my Beloved Dear....U should know better of how do i felt towards you, U know I miss you more Each and ever day, I can still relive every moment and I can remember the way Your kiss captivated me...Sweet Loved
Remember My feelings for you Will always be true And no matter how long I have to wait....I will always love you :))
服了你啦。。认输了呵呵。。absence makes the heart fonder..继续疼疼你最爱的人吧。。。
ReplyDelete嘿嘿! 我当然会疼爱我最深爱的人。。。My passions for beloved will always stay alive!! ★★★♥♥♥